The benefits of using premium marine engine lubricants

The benefits of using premium marine engine lubricants

By using high-quality lubricants that are specifically designed for use in marine environments, ship operators can help to ensure that their engines operate smoothly and reliably, while also minimizing the risk of equipment failure and downtime.

The benefits of synthetic lubricants

The benefits of synthetic lubricants

The marine sector has been slow to change to synthetic lubricants, perhaps due to the higher up-front cost. But using synthetic instead of mineral oil can lead to increases in vessel productivity, as well as better fuel economy, far outweighing the initial oil cost.

How good oil analysis can save you money

How good oil analysis can save you money

As lockdown eases and transport demand grows, the marine industry is among those facing significant increases in the cost of lubricants. But with one simple step you can reduce your overall oil cost, make major savings on fuel, and deliver huge improvements in vessel productivity.

Castrol Launches NewsWire service

Castrol Launches NewsWire service

In a video posted online today, Head of Global Marine and Energy at Castrol Mario Mifsud announced the launch of a new service to provide news and other information for those working in the marine, energy and oil and gas industries.

Face Shields for Essential Workers

Face Shields for Essential Workers

The shortage of PPE has been a recurring story in the news lately, not just for NHS staff but other essential workers too. One of Williams Shipping’s Pembroke team has been doing his part to help out.

Keeping Business Moving

Keeping Business Moving

While many retailers and non-essential works have been closed, government advice has been clear: if businesses are able to carry on safely, they should do so.